What waves are threatening to pull you under? Is it waves of fear, discouragement, disunity, financial loss, emotional, or dysfunctional relationships?
If ever there was a time to keep our eyes on Jesus, it is now. All around us a major storm has been raging with high waves and threatening to pull us under. How do we keep from sinking?
A Listening Heart
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The disciples encountered a storm with strong wind and high waves that left them terrified. Around 4 AM, they saw someone walking on the water. One of them said, it is a ghost. Panic-stricken, they were beside themselves! Perhaps they thought the boat was about to go under for real (Matthew 14:22-31).
Can you imagine being in a storm that is threatening to capsize your boat and when you look up a ghost walking towards you?
But then…
Jesus called out to them and said, take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!
Oh! what instant relief!
But you know there is no little drama… because now our brother Peter, no longer afraid and feeling really cool, called out to Jesus, hey yo, Master, tell me to come to you on the water.
Jesus granted his request. Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he took his eyes off and looked at the wind, he sank.
He cried out to Jesus, Lord, save me!
And immediately Jesus reached out to him.

The storms of the global pandemic, a difficult marriage, fear, or personal hardships may threaten to pull us under with gale-force winds and high waves. Life may not go the way we expect, our circumstances may change for the worse, people may disagree with us and our relationships may break down.
But if we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will not sink. He is in control of every raging storm.
Why is it important to keep our eyes on Jesus?
We look to Jesus because he is our role model. He kept his focus even when the storm and waves of the Cross looked overwhelming. He willingly surrendered to the Father’s will and endured the pain of the cross because of love (Hebrews 12:2).
As we weather the storms of life, let us face our fears with courage and keep our eyes on Jesus. Let’s reflect him in our words, thoughts, actions, attitudes, and interactions so others will know that we are Christians by our love.

5 Ways to Keep our Eyes on Jesus
- Stay in God’s word and let it guide you moment by moment.
- Listen to understand rather than judge when engaging others in conversation. Keep an open mind.
- See others through the eyes of Jesus. Many of the people we judge may need our empathy and compassion.
- Limit consumption of news and social media to reduce anxiety.
- Be open to opportunities to serve others around you.
No matter what is going on around us, if we keep our eyes on Jesus we will not sink into despair, discouragement, and hopelessness.
You and I are overcomers in Jesus. No storm or waves can capsize our boat and steal our peace!
What are your deepest fears? How can you look to Jesus for the courage to face your fears in the storm?
Father, you are the great I AM, my Defender, and Redeemer. Help me keep my eyes on Jesus. Though raging storms and high waves threaten me, I will trust you. Forgive me when I have behaved in ways that dishonor you. Keep my boat from going under. Draw my heart back to you and fill me with love. Let me spread your sweet aroma so others may experience your love through me. I pray with thanksgiving in the powerful and majestic name of Jesus. Amen.