Black Lives Matter
All Lives Matter.
A Listening Heart
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All Lives have Value.
All humans are created in the image of God.

I will be lying if I say that I am not sad about the recent events that took the life of George Floyd. The way he died in an act of police brutality is very unbecoming of any society talk less of a civilized society. What were the officers thinking?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Watching the video and seeing the police officer’s knee on George Floyd’s neck made me sick to my stomach. It is horrific to watch another human being plea for his life like that. Foaming in the mouth, George mustered every energy left in him to call out, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe”
His pleas fell on deaf ears. Instead of relief, his pleas made the police officer adjust his knee and apply more pressure. This went on for almost 9 minutes… even after another officer could not find a pulse, the knee was still in place. The lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbry, and many other young African Americans who died because of racial injustice matter!
Their lives matter to their families, our society, and to God.
These are the facts… we must not forget. To forget is to allow history to repeat itself again. Friend, we are better than this! We are better than allowing this systemic racial injustice to continue. We must come together, each one of us look within, and ask God to help us right these injustices.
The Real Enemy
While these physical acts of violence are very disturbing, let’s not be fooled, our actual enemy is Satan who has unleashed his fury and three-part agenda to steal, kill, and destroy our nation.
His plan is to throw us in confusion and chaos and turn us against one another. He is our real enemy. I am for peaceful protests and people sharing their voice. Let’s not help Satan by committing further acts of violence and destroying properties.
Now What?
Friend, though our country seems to be unraveling, there is hope in this storm. God is still on the throne. No matter how fierce this storm of racial injustice and tension is raging, we can trust God to bring us through.
Our Hope in the Storm
Lord, it is us, your Black, Brown, and White children On this gloomy day All around us is a raging storm Racial and systemic injustice Tension, Protests, Riots, Tear gas, Unrest, looting, violence Unharmed young black men dead Every black mother is having that Conversation with their sons and daughters Sharing the rules of engagement with the police We are all tired and weary We can’t breathe It is hard to see the road ahead Lord, how are we ever going To get out of this storm? It has gone on far too long Then I hear A gentle Whisper The God of peace will soon crush Satan Under your feet Friend, this is our hope Hope in the Storm That God watches over us He neither slumbers nor sleeps His hope is a strong anchor in this storm A trustworthy anchor, firm and secure In Him, we are one, made in his image Each one, Black, Brown, or White Is Precious enough for him to send his Son To die a gruesome death on the cross for each of us Though, the Enemy seeks to divide He seeks to unite us In Him, there is no east or west No master or slave All are one in Christ Jesus His love for every human life is priceless
How can we change the system?
Change begins with you and me.
We each have some level of implicit bias. These are attitudes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions unconsciously.
As you and I think about the racial injustices in our country, let us reflect on our implicit biases and ask God to help us repent, and choose to love others with his love.
How will you show love to those who are different from you?
Father, as your children, we call upon you in this storm. Help us repent for the ways we have treated each other unfairly. Forgive us, Lord. We ask you to heal our nation, unite us, and let your love reign in our hearts. By your Holy Spirit transform hate into love, transform resentment into understanding and transform injured hearts into healed lives. Lord, you are our anchor. Revive us and restore our hope in these troubling times. We bless you, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Watch this message on YouTube here
6 thoughts on “Hope in the Storm”
What a heart breaking time we live in. I keep thinking of Michael W Smith’s newest song “Waymaker”. I love the words “even when we don’t feel it, He’s working. Even when we don’t see it, He’s working”. I try to remember that although we may not see it, God is still here, and He is still working. And thank God we know ultimately, He wins ???
What a heart breaking time we live in. I keep thinking of Michael W Smith’s newest song “Waymaker”. I love the words “even when we don’t feel it, He’s working. Even when we don’t see it, He’s working”. I try to remember that although we may not see it, God is still here, and He is still working. And thank God we know ultimately, He wins ???
What a heart breaking time we live in. I keep thinking of Michael W Smith’s newest song “Waymaker”. I love the words “even when we don’t feel it, He’s working. Even when we don’t see it, He’s working”. I try to remember that although we may not see it, God is still here, and He is still working. And thank God we know ultimately, He wins ???
What a heart breaking time we live in. I keep thinking of Michael W Smith’s newest song “Waymaker”. I love the words “even when we don’t feel it, He’s working. Even when we don’t see it, He’s working”. I try to remember that although we may not see it, God is still here, and He is still working. And thank God we know ultimately, He wins ???
What a heart breaking time we live in. I keep thinking of Michael W Smith’s newest song “Waymaker”. I love the words “even when we don’t feel it, He’s working. Even when we don’t see it, He’s working”. I try to remember that although we may not see it, God is still here, and He is still working. And thank God we know ultimately, He wins ???
In these hard and uncertain days, God is a Way Maker, always at work behind the scenes to make it all good in due time.
Let’s keep praying for all of us. God bless you friend.