How to dress up properly and keep fit for spiritual warfare - Hidden Treasures and Riches

How to dress up properly and keep fit for spiritual warfare


How to dress properly and keep fitHow do you dress up every day? Do you have a morning routine?

If you are like me, you probably have a series of actions you follow in the morning. Wake up, get out of bed, shower, dress up and get ready for work. Many of us have our routine down pat. As you get ready, most likely, you also review your goals and tasks for the day. You probably make time for devotion and prayer in your daily routine.

Do you know that we are engaged in spiritual warfare daily? As we prepare for our day, Satan will try to derail our plans and put obstacles in our way, just as he did when Nehemiah answered God’s call to go and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Satan worked through Sanballat and Tobiah using a variety of tactics to distract him from focusing on the job (Nehemiah:1-4).

Do you have times when you just do not feel like reading your Bible or praying?  Are there times when you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances and not fully in sync with God?

That is the work of Satan, our enemy!

He is our adversary who roams around like a roaring lion looking for whom to consume (1 Peter 5:8). He uses our feelings to overwhelm and keep us disengaged from God’s purpose. He specializes in attacking our minds through lies and doubts. Our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against the enemy and his spiritual forces of evil.

He is not happy when we seek God. He will do anything to sabotage and keep us from spending time with God or doing His will.

He is a liar, schemer and master joy stealer.

How do we this fight this spiritual battle?

By dressing up and keeping spiritually fit.

Fighting this warfare requires daily vigilance and putting on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the devil’s schemes. Standing means not backing off and giving in, persevering and focusing on Jesus. Nehemiah employed counter-strategies to persevere against the enemy so he could finish the work of rebuilding the wall.

For years, I used to fall for the enemy’s lies, but when I began to seek God’s help in prayer, He showed me how to fight this war by applying His Word.  God showed me how to dress up properly each day to avoid the enemy’s schemes.Spiritual warfare

He also showed me practical ways to put on His full armor. You can read more about the full armor in Ephesians 6:13-17

  • Cultivate a relationship with God. Read and meditate on the Word daily and spend intimate time with the Lord in prayer.
  • Write scripture promises on 3×5 cards and place them where you can see daily such as on your bathroom mirror or wall.
  • As you dress up every morning, read these scripture promises aloud and affirm their truths to your soul.
  • Thank God for the day ahead of you. Submit your day and activities to Him. Recall the scripture promises as many times as you need throughout the day.
  • This daily practice will keep your focus on Jesus as He fights the warfare on your behalf. It will also keep the enemy at bay.

These practical strategies help to keep us focused on Christ and His promises. They help us to stand and resist the devil. Most importantly, they protect us from the devouring lion.

My daily routine includes dressing up properly and keeping fit for spiritual warfare. Practicing these strategies help set my attitude for the day. So whatever challenges I face during the day, I remind myself of God’s truths. The verses and truths help anchor me in the Lord.

No matter the challenges you are facing, whether it is from the recent hurricane disasters, marital issues, teenage problems, fear, doubt, insecurity, and anxiety, remember, God loves you and me. He desires for us to live victoriously in Him.

I invite you to incorporate these strategies into your daily routine.

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7 thoughts on “How to dress up properly and keep fit for spiritual warfare”

  1. This so encouraging Tope and such a great reminder that the battle is NOT mine to fight alone, but indeed God WILL fight it for me. All I have to do is get dressed (spiritually) and He will handle the rest. I can do that!!?

    Crystal Cene

    1. Crystal, thanks for stopping by. Yes, our task is to dress up while Jesus does the heavy lifting of fighting our battles. ??

  2. Glory to God love. This is just what I need. I will dress up daily trusting our God is there always even in challenging times. His love cannot be negotiated. It’s constant and unwavering. Glory be to God.

    1. Yes, God’s love is constant and unwavering, even in challenging times. We can trust Him. Blessings to you!

  3. I read this all week long. I needed to. It was great encouragement. Thank you, sweet Sister! I love you! *tight hugs*

    1. I have been greatly blessed ny these messages. As believers we are constantly in a spiritual warfare with the enemy of our soul and the enemy of God, the devil. We need the spiritual weapons to conquer him and his host of demons.
      Anti Tope it has been a while. Love to your family and the children

      1. I’m glad that you were blessed. Thanks for your encouragement. Love to your family as well. Blessings!

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