Can you imagine losing everything to a natural disaster and having to relocate to a new city and start over?
To experience something like that and still have joy calls for a special mindset! That’s where faith in God can make all the difference. Our special guest on Treasures and Truth with Tope, Ms. Susan Thayer, shares how God met her in desperate times and saw her through a new chapter of life. She also provides practical mindset tools that help her stay positive when life gets tough.
You and I don’t face life’s challenges alone – with God, you can relax in the security of his love and find the strength and solace you need every step of the way.
Susan is the author of a new Bible study, Love of Another Kind, in which she uncovers the divine romance in the Song of Solomon. Susan has a unique way of presenting biblical truths and principles with easy-to-understand life applications. She is the founder of Boundless Sisterhood, Inc., which equips women for ministry by hosting women’s conferences to minister to women and prepare them for ministry, giving them opportunities to cultivate their gifts for the kingdom of God.
When I became a parent, I was incredibly overwhelmed by the responsibility of raising a kind and moral child. That’s when I encountered the Love and power of God, and it has been my anchor in difficult times ever since.
Susan Thayer
You don’t want to miss this inspiring conversation with Susan. Listen now to hear more about the struggles and what God’s faithful love meant during difficult times! We hope you’ll leave feeling empowered with valuable insights to help you navigate your own trials by tuning into today’s show.
Don’t miss this fantastic episode – join us on Treasures and Truth with Tope right here on the website, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever podcasts are heard.
Thanks for listening in on today’s episode. Join us next time for more inspiring stories of hope and finding treasures in challenging times.
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Have a blessed day!
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Connect with Ms. Susan Thayer:
Website: https://boundlesssisterhood.com/
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Social Media: Facebook and Instagram
Resources: Book on Amazon

Get Your Copy on Amazon: Love of Another Kind: Finding Your SoulMate
Additional Resources from Hidden Treasures and Riches :
Available on Amazon: Thankful Everyday: A Gratitude Journal to Refresh Your Soul and Increase Your Joy
Available on Amazon: Weathering Storms: Finding Treasures in the Ruins