Prayer Treasures Day 30: Direction and Motivation - Hidden Treasures and Riches

Prayer Treasures Day 30: Direction and Motivation


Welcome to Day 30 of Prayer Treasures.
Where will you find direction and motivation to pursue your goals?

Prayer Treasures Day 30-Direction and Motivation

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Scripture Treasure 
The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? Proverbs 20:24

Friend, we are on the home stretch of our 31 days of prayer treasures. I am assuming that you have been praying about your vision and goals for this year. We have reviewed several treasures such as dependence of God, community, and gratitude that will help us stay on track.

Some questions to consider…

Why is this vision important?

Why am I seeking these goals and how will I stay on track?

Friend pursuing your vision and achieving your goals does not only depend on you alone, rather it is you partnering with God.

The Lord will direct our steps if we are willing to surrender and allow him to lead us. If we try to figure it out on our own, we will get frustrated but if we trust the Lord, he will lead and show us the way forward. He will strengthen us to take the next steps when we feel unmotivated or discouraged.

Have you ever wondered, how David, Daniel, Esther, Paul, and many others in the Bible stayed the course and went after God’s plans for their lives?
They leaned on God and allowed him to direct their steps. Obeying God and honoring him was their motivation.

What is your motivation for pursuing your goals? Share in the comments below.

Watch the video for the full prayer

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