Praying for Your Adult Children: Humility and a Teachable Spirit - Hidden Treasures and Riches

Praying for Your Adult Children: Humility and a Teachable Spirit


Welcome! Today, we’re discussing a topic close to every parent’s heart: praying for our adult children’s character. Join me in lifting our sons and daughters and asking God to cultivate humility and a teachable spirit in their lives.

Many parents have concerns about adult children who are not walking with God. This often leaves us worried and anxious, but we can pray and enlist God’s help. His word is a powerful tool that can supercharge not only our prayer lives but our prayers for our adult children. This blog post is based on a recent YouTube video I created to pray scripture for our adult children, specifically for their character, which is that they will be humble and have a teachable spirit.

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Prayer for Adult Children- Teachable Spirit and humility

A Prayer for Humility

Scripture :

Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. Proverbs 3:7-8


Heavenly Father, we pray for humility in our adult children. Help them recognize their need for learning and growth. May they be slow to speak and quick to listen, acknowledging their weaknesses and blind spots. Let them consider others more highly than themselves. Grant them wisdom and the grace to ask for feedback and learn from it. In humility, may they find healing and refreshment. In Jesus name, Amen.

A Prayer for a Teachable Spirit

Scripture :

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. Prize her highly, and she will exalt you and honor you if you embrace her. She will place on your head a graceful garland; she will bestow on you a beautiful crown. Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard her, for she is your life. Proverbs 4:7-9, 13


Lord, ignite a hunger for wisdom and insight in our adult children. May they actively seek to know you as if their lives depended on it. Help them reflect on their experiences through the lens of Scripture, read godly books, and learn from wise teachers. Guard them against shortcuts and deception. Let their pursuit of wisdom prepare them for life’s challenges. Thank you in advance for answering our prayers. In Jesus name, Amen

A Personal Prayer for Humility and Teachability


Lord, I praise you for being the author of all truth and thank you for the ability to learn. Please help our adult children pursue wisdom, learn for your glory, and to serve others. Lead them by your Spirit to pursue growth and avoid rebelling against you. Capture their hearts, help them receive correction, and grow wise by learning from it. Father, we entrust ourselves and our adult children to you.

Blessing and encouraging your adult children is a beautiful way to honor and uplift them as they navigate life’s challenges. As Christian parents, we understand the power of words and their impact on our loved ones.

Thank you for joining us in prayer today. Moms, keep lifting your adult children before the throne of grace. God sees their hearts and desires to shape them into vessels of humility and wisdom. Until next time, may God’s grace abound!

Remember, dear moms, your prayers are seeds of transformation. May your adult children walk in humility and embrace the joy of learning to know God.

Your Turn…

If you found this post helpful, I invite you to watch the full video on YouTube for more insights and a guided prayer for your adult children. Please like, share, and subscribe for more content on parenting adult children and growing in your faith journey.

If you’re seeking personalized support in this area, you can book a time to talk with me at Hidden Treasures and We can explore ways to deepen your prayer life and strengthen your relationship with your adult children.

Remember, your prayers are powerful and significant. Continue to pray for your adult children, trusting that God is working in their lives.

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