Celebrate Your Royal Identity: Think Beyond What Life's Challenges Tell You

Celebrate Your Royal Identity: Think Beyond What Life’s Challenges Tell You


What does a king’s son or daughter look like?

A Listening Heart

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The Midianites were terrorizing Israel, and Gideon went after them and captured the two kings who had killed his brothers (Judges 8).

Gideon: The men you killed, what did they look like? 

Midian kings: They all had the look of a king’s son.

During a difficult season, this story caused me to reflect on my identity and what being a Princess looks like. After my children grew up and left home, I felt a profound loss and loneliness. I didn’t understand it at first, but later I realized that my identity was questioned. I’d placed my identity in being a mom and not in who God says I am – a child of God, daughter of the King. 

How about you? Can you relate? When life throws us challenges and troubles, we don’t know or fully embrace our status as royalty and children of God. If the enemy knows our status as sons and daughters of the King, why do we not know or embrace it ourselves?

We don’t know our identity because we usually allow our circumstances or other things to define us. But the truth is God loves you and knows every intricate detail of your life. He does not define you by your troubles. 

Psalm 139 paints an excellent picture of how He sees you and me. God knew you before conception in your mother’s womb. He took care of every detail as he wove you intricately. He made you fearfully and wonderfully and put his hand of blessings on your head. 

Celebrate Your Royal Identity and its Unique Privileges.

Celebrate Your Royal Identity: Think Beyond What Life's Challenges Tell You

As far as God is concerned, here are just a few of the blessings that come with being a daughter of the King! You’re:

  • Born of imperishable seed. 
  • The apple of the His eye 
  • Beautifully redeemed and completely forgiven. 
  • Righteous, holy, and blameless
  • Blessed beyond measure. 
  • Hidden in Christ and eternally secure. 
  • Victorious and more than a conqueror 
  • The sweet smell of Jesus to those who are perishing.
  • Royalty- a beloved daughter of the King

From the moment you chose Him as your Savior, you were made part of an exclusive club – one of royalty whose identity and status will never change. 

He ordains every moment of your life, and His thoughts towards you are good. As a child of God, you are like a tree planted by the water that bears fruit in season. 

You are loved and accepted by God, so take his hand and remember who you really are – a beloved daughter of the King. Your identity is found in Christ, so embrace these truths and watch them transform your life.

When life’s challenges and troubles want to weigh my spirit down, I’ve learned to take God’s hand and remind myself of my identity in Christ. 

What would it look like to give yourself permission to embrace these truths and believe in who God says you are? 

Which of these truths resonates with you the most? Journal through how this looks in your life and daily affirm these truths to yourself.

Remind yourself of all the beautiful things that come with being a child of the King because no matter what comes your way, you know He loves you and is right beside you in the process of becoming more like Him.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for my ignorance about my identity. Thank you for my salvation and all the perks that come with being royalty. Help me see, feel, know, and walk in my identity in Christ. Wherever I go, let your glory be revealed in my life. I love you, Lord. Amen

Then Gideon asked Zebah and Zalmunna, “The men you killed at Tabor—what were they like?” “Like you,” they replied. “They all had the look of a king’s son.” Judges 8:18

This post is an expanded version of “Sons and Daughters of the King” devotion from my book: Weathering Storms, Finding Treasures in the Ruins, which helps you to feel secure in your identity no matter the raging storm or circumstances of life.

Each day’s reading includes a scripture verse, a bite-size inspiring devotion, and a short prayer. For more information about the devotional, visit Weathering Storms, Finding Treasures in the Ruins

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Celebrate Your Royal Identity-Think Beyond What Life's Challenges Tell You

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