Deep Lasting Love - Hidden Treasures and Riches

Deep Lasting Love



What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?

I’d like to join in your celebration. Is it ok if I bring a friend along?

I have a good friend who knows a lot about love. According to Wikipedia, my friend has written several volumes on love and he is considered the leading expert on the topic of love. First, let me tell you a little bit about my friend.

He is the fountain of Love & good-will.

His heart flows positively towards us at all times.

He knows everything about everything.

He is without distortion, without confusion, and without gaps.

He is complete justice.

His justice is based upon ALL facts, undistorted by shortfalls in emotions or knowledge.

He is utterly faithful…to His Own Person, to His people, to His work;

There is not even a tiny hint of unfaithfulness,

No shadow of turning, or distraction or relationship fatigue!

He is Sovereign… there is no power or plan higher than His.

No law of Nature, no human will or direction, no health crisis or no marital crisis over-rides his plan.

Nothing negates His purpose.

He is the ONLY cement block upon which we can STAND in changing circumstances.

He is Wikipedia par excellence.

He is the author of perfect peace, perfect joy, perfect stability, and perfect reasonableness.

He is Pure Love.


I met my friend a couple of years ago but got to know him better during a dark season in my life and marriage. Since then he has been helping me to understand more about love and that it is an essential ingredient in all relationships. I have learned that love is not about mushy feelings or emotions, but rather true love is…

  • A choice.
  • An attitude.
  • A Commitment.
  • Kind
  • Patient
  • Showing up every day when you would rather not.
  • Letting go of unrealistic expectations.
  • Getting in the trenches with the other person when you would naturally do otherwise.
  • Seeing your spouse through the eyes of Jesus.

You are probably wondering, her friend must be Superhuman.

 Yes, He is.

 He is the Lord, Jesus Christ.

The One who gave his life as a ransom for all on the cross of Calvary.

It is impossible to know true love without him.

His love is Sure, Secure and Sweet.


Do you need a refresher on love?

Are you dealing with a crisis?

Jesus is here to help if you are willing. His love can bring peace to any situation. He and I have weathered many storms and I can tell you that his love is kind and constant. From my experience, He is the basis and foundation of deep lasting love, in life, marriages, and relationships.

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Thanks for allowing my friend and I to join your celebration.


Scripture: John 13:34, 1 Corinthians 13:1, 4-7, 13,  1 John 4:7-12


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14 thoughts on “Deep Lasting Love”

  1. Oh Tope, this is so wonderful!! You perfectly described the verses for BSF this week, Romans 11:33-36, when you said He knows everything about everything!!! Those are the words i needed for my Homiletics!!! You know, I always miss you. So much.

  2. Thank you so very much Tope for this beautiful piece and the reminder that Jesus’ love is Sure, Secure and Sweet. What an encouragement and a valentine.

  3. Oh how sweet is the love of Jesus, a mystery we will never fully comprehend on this part of eternity!!
    Thank you Jesus!!!
    So well written Tope!!
    Thank you for allowing abba Father use you to demonstrate His love!

  4. WHEEEEEE! This is awesome! 😀 *hugs you* I’m sorry I am so late with this, but here I am now! When I started reading, I just started grinning, because after those first two sentences, I KNEW Who you were going to speak about. 🙂 This is so awesome, and so sweet, and so encouraging. I always know that I can come and get uplifted from you, so maybe I am not necessarily late with this, but right on time. *huge grin* x) ?

    Thank you! I love you!
    *more big hugs*
    Sis Ursula ??

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