Hardship, trials, and suffering are not events that anyone would volunteer for, right? But they can be fertile ground for the birth of great things if we are willing to see the opportunities in them.
A Listening Heart
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This month of March marks the 10th anniversary of Hidden Treasures and Riches.
I was in a trying season and had some personal challenges when I stumbled on Isaiah 45:3, which became my lifeline. The Lord used this verse to encourage my heart and develop my character as I discovered his greater purpose in my troubles.
Looking back, I am forever grateful for all the Lord has done. Today the verse on my heart is Exodus 15:11. After the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, Moses declared, who among the gods is like you, O Lord? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
Maybe you, too, are facing troubling times, a trying season, or waiting for a resolution to some tough issues in your family, marriage, or with your children. Perhaps God is calling you to step out in faith and trust him with the situation. Is he asking you to start a blog or ministry or encourage others? You can trust him to guide you and provide all you’ll need.
Troubling Times? Discover Hidden Treasures in Hard times
Though I didn’t fully understand what this call meant back in 2013, I leaned on God for insight. I had no road map or a clear idea of the journey, but I just felt a call to write and share my experiences and his love and hope with others going through hard times.
As a scientist, I was used to more formal writing and logical thinking. I had a lot to learn. I reached out to a friend, and together we attended several Christian writers’ and speakers’ conferences. I also read my Bible more voraciously, and the words became alive over time.
I realized that I had a lot to learn about myself– My strengths, gifts, talents, and weaknesses. I learned about the Holy Spirit and allowing God to take control of all aspects of my life. Surrendering is challenging, but with God’s help, I am making progress daily.
I also learned valuable skills about creative writing, bible study, sharing the gospel through social media, empowering women to discover their unique identity in Christ, transforming trials into hope, and so much more. Also, God led me to mentors and other partners who could help me along the way.
Today God continues to grow Hidden Treasures and Riches in leaps and bounds, with the message of hope in tribulation reaching people in over 90 countries, and the content is read by both men and women. The ministry has a YouTube channel, a podcast (Treasures and Truth with Tope), a presence on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and two published books Weathering Storms 90-Day devotional and Thankful Every Day Journal).
“Thank you for walking with me through a journey that has brought me closer to the Lord. May you continue to be an instrument of God to deliver clarity to those who seek to hear the voice of the Almighty, whispering in our ears, “walk this way, to your left, to your right, I am here!”
Miriam B
Check out some more testimonials from Hidden Treasures and Riches ministry.
I look forward to more years of empowering women to transform their trials into purpose, discover hope, and embrace their identities in Christ. Your encouragement and support over the last 10 years have meant so much. I could not have done it without you! Thank you always for your support. Your encouragement and support over the last 10 years have meant so much. I could not have done it without you! Thank you always for your support.
So, Is God calling you to step out and allow him to use your trials for his purpose? I pray the story of Hidden Treasures and Riches’ ministry encourages you to trust him to guide you as well. You, too, can discover joy during troubling times.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for leading and guiding the ministry of Hidden Treasures and Riches for 10 years. You are a God who does miracles and empowers your children to fulfill their purpose. Thank you for all who have found hope and encouragement through this ministry. May you continue to be glorified in and through it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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