Life can seem overwhelming and cause us to live in a state of constant worry. When it looks like you and I have no control over our circumstances, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by fear and anxiety that things might go wrong.
A Listening Heart
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What are you worried about today? Perhaps it’s the economy, your bills, or you’re anxious about the future. Maybe you’re concerned about your health, children, spouse, or elderly parents. There’s a new way to find comfort and know that God is still here for you, even in the most challenging times.
The disciples also faced a difficult time. They’d left all they knew and dedicated themselves to following Jesus for over three years. They saw him perform miracles, open the eyes of the blind, heal the sick, and deliver men, women, and children from demonic oppression. They even performed a couple of healing miracles themselves.
So, can you imagine their shock when Jesus was arrested based on trumped-up charges by the Jews? As if that wasn’t bad enough, they publicly humiliated, flogged, spat, put a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head, and nailed him to a cross. They even divided his clothes among themselves.
Many of Jesus’ disciples either fled or watched this horrific scene from afar. I can imagine the state of their mind filled with confusion and despair. What would they do now that Jesus was no longer with them in person? Would they be arrested too? I bet you they had many questions and probably wondered what was next.
When Peter and John heard from Mary Magdalene that Jesus’ body was not in the tomb, they ran there as fast as they could. Their uncertainties, and fear, doubt did not stop them (John 20:1-10). They ran to the tomb, and John saw and believed.
What did John see and believe? I can picture them reflecting on all Jesus had told them about his death and resurrection as they walked back home. They’ll need to find a new way of living without their trusted teacher and friend.
But Jesus did not leave them alone. He appeared to Mary Magdalene, the disciples, and even Thomas, the doubter (John 20).
Yes, the tomb is empty because Jesus is alive, just as he promised.
Jesus is the resurrection and the life!
Jesus is alive, and he is our living hope. What does this mean for you and me? It means we can release the uncertainties, stresses, and fear and take hold of His promises.
Invite him into the good, bad, and messy parts of your life and put your trust in him. Like John, run to Jesus and believe! Turn to his promises.
Below are five promises to remind you of His unfailing love for you. His promises will never fail, no matter how much the world around us changes.
Turn to His promises: 5 Verses to Remind You to Live in the Lord’s Comfort
When life feels overwhelming, and it looks like you have no control, remember these five unfailing promises from Jesus.
1. “I will never leave you.” – Matthew 28:20
2. “I will give you peace.” – John 14:27
3. “No one can snatch you out of my hand.” – John 10:28
4. “My grace is sufficient for you.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9
5. “I will provide for all your needs.” – Philippians 4:19
No matter what circumstances life throws your way, take refuge in Jesus and His promises! Nothing compares to His love for you- ever faithful and sure, it lasts forever (John 3:16). Allow these verses to bring you comfort and hope. Download Fear Not… FREE Scripture Cards here.
God loves you!
He is Risen! Happy Easter!
Lord, thank you for your sacrifice on the cross so that I may have eternal life. Thank you for this amazing gift of your love. When life feels overwhelming, help me to run to you and turn to your promises. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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