Five minute Friday: Play - Hidden Treasures and Riches

Five minute Friday: Play



What comes to mind when I think about play?

Thinking about playing, brings up old and new memories from childhood and from my current family. Growing up, my dad and an elderly man played a game of Mancala most Saturday mornings. While playing, they talked about politics and life in general. Looking back, I now realize the old man was a mentor to my dad. What I remember most was the loud laughter as the old man won the game every time and taunted my dad. The old man was excellent at the game of Mancala so my siblings and I nicked named him, “Baba Alayo Ika” (extraordinary and wickedly good at the game). My dad and his friend enjoyed playing this game.

Growing up, play and summer were synonymous just like peanut butter and jelly. My siblings and I enjoyed playing outside with other kids in the neighborhood. We would play soccer, hide and seek, ten-ten and ring around the roses. Oh, those summer days were so much fun! We could not wait to go out and play as we rushed to finish our chores. We made up our own games and rules.  Most of the time we did not have a soccer ball, but we created one out of whatever materials we could find in the trash or around the house. We would roll up grocery bags and old clothes and tie them up to make a ball. These times of playing with neighborhood kids in the streets were filled with fun and laughter with an occasional sadness if someone got hurt.

Transitioning to my current family, as my children have gotten older, playing is usually around the holidays. When the children come home, we sit around the table, share meals and remember old times. The best time is when the children play a card game. It is usually fun to see them laughing and sharing precious moments together. This makes me happy.

As I am growing older, I would love to incorporate more play into my life. Playing is refreshing because it makes people interact and bond together.

And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets.  (Zechariah 8:5)


This post is written for the Five Minute Friday Writing Community. The writing prompt this week, is PLAY.  We are all  writing for five minutes using this prompt. Come join us!


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4 thoughts on “Five minute Friday: Play”

  1. Hello Tope. Visiting you back from FMF. I love the stories you’ve shared about the joys of play in your life. I also am learning the value of taking time to play. Your blog photo (at the top) is beautiful and reminds me of some of my favorite places to vacation and play. I’m curious if you took the photo or know where it was taken. I’ll have to take a closer look at the interesting verse you shared as well. 🙂

    1. Ann,thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I didn’t take the photos. I apologize for the delay in responding to your comment. I was having problems receiving email notifications when someone comments on a post.

  2. I would go back to my childhood in a minute, and I would never grow up! x) *lolol*

    I have SO much to tell you–we need to try to get up some time soon. Love you! *hugs close* ??

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