Forgiveness Includes Taking out the Stinger

Forgiveness Includes Taking Out the Stinger


How do you handle offense? Is there someone you need to forgive?

If one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Colossians 3:13 ESV

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TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: I was enjoying my walk on a nice cool morning. Suddenly, my left shoulder felt like it was on fire with sharp throbbing pain. I ran home, and my husband looked at my shoulder. He took a bee’s stinger out. I felt instant relief.  The negative emotions we attach to situations are like the bee’s stinger, that if left unchecked, trip us up.  Over time, offenses turn to resentment and bitterness. The emotional stinger keeps us bound to offenses. Read more of this devotion at Beloved Women.

Forgiveness and dealing  with emotions.

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