Release Your Father Wounds because You are Beloved

Release Your Father Wounds because You are Beloved


My friend Tasha doesn’t look forward to Father’s Day because of her experience growing up with an alcoholic dad. Tasha’s father was prone to rage, and he drank heavily. Each night he would scream at her and call her Useless. Stupid. Ugly. Worthless.

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His unkind words made Tasha feel unloved and unwanted. Nothing was ever good enough, no matter how hard she tried to please her dad.

What was your relationship with your dad like when you were growing up?

Not everyone woman is fortunate to have a healthy relationship with their earthly father. Maybe your dad walked away when you were young, or he was an alcoholic, or your parents’ divorce shattered your sense of security.

Without recognizing it, a dad’s behavior can have unintended long-lasting consequences that lead to life-long suffering from physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds.

As a result of the past wounds from her dad’s alcoholism and emotional abuse, Tasha still struggles with abandonment, emotional abuse, rejection, people-pleasing, and low self-esteem issues. Although she teaches a Sunday School class at church, Tasha finds it hard to shake the feeling that God is deeply disappointed in her.

Whether your dad was physically present but emotionally absent or your relationship was dysfunctional, you can exchange your father wounds for the heavenly Father’s unconditional love.

Healing Father wounds-Christian Life coaching

Your father wounds may make you think that God is a tyrant like your earthly dad. The minute you do something wrong, he is holding a giant fly swatter, ready to smash you.

But that’s not a true picture of God the Father.

God is not disappointed in you.

He doesn’t feel let down by your performance or lack of it.

He loves you!

Your compassionate Heavenly Father sees you as His Beloved daughter.

You’ve got to believe and be willing to let Him heal you so you can be free.

Let God Heal Your father wounds so You Can Live Free

Healing Father wounds-Christian Life coaching

Although we don’t know much about the Samaritan woman’s personal background and upbringing(John 4). The events in her childhood could have left her wounded, abandoned, and longing for love.

By the time Jesus met her at the well, she had married five husbands and was now living unmarried with another man.

Just as Jesus cut to the root issue of this woman’s deepest desire for acceptance and love, he wants to do the same for you.

So, whether your relationship with your dad is non-existent, complicated, or dysfunctional, your heavenly Father wants to heal your father wounds. He wants to heal you so you can live free.

He heals the brokenhearted
    and bandages their wounds. Psalm 147:3

The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. – Psalm 145:14

No matter how your relationship with your father has impacted your life, turn to God. God desires to heal you, body, mind, soul, and spirit. Allowing him to heal your wounds is a giant step toward wholehearted living.

His offer:

  • Wash your soul wounds with his free-Living water
  • Apply the balm of Gilead.
  • Heal your wounds.
  • Set you free to live life fully.

Your part, BELIEVE His love for you.

In return, you, like the Samaritan woman, will leave your baggage of rejection, hurt, anger, betrayal, and father wounds behind and run to tell others… “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.”

Because of her testimony, many people from the town believed and went and checked Jesus out for themselves. How cool is that!

Scriptural Truths about How much God Loves You

Whether your relationship with your earthly dad is healthy and growing or rocky and dysfunctional, know this:

Your heavenly Father loves you unconditionally.

Here is how He says in his Word. Check it out for yourself.

Healing Father wounds-Christian Life coaching

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! – 1 John 3:1,

The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.
    He rescues them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
    He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:17-18

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
    They cannot be numbered! Psalm 139:17

And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters,
    says the Lord Almighty 1 Corinthians 6:18

Friend, your identity doesn’t come from what your earthly dad said about you or his behavior toward you. Your identity comes from God the Father, who sees you as His beloved child.

It’s ok to release your father wounds because You are beloved!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. A Daughter of the King.

Knowing what you know now about God’s unfailing love for you if you could say one thing to your younger self, what would that be? I welcome your comments and questions.


Lord, sometimes past wounds make it hard for me to receive your love and believe who I am. Help me to remember that I am Your beloved child, and You are my faithful Father. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Want to embrace your identity so you can live a rich and satisfying life? Book a FREE Discovery Call today to discuss how I can help you.

You may also be interested in Encountering God by Name: Abba Father and Are You Mad at God?

Healing and living free of Father wounds-Christian Life coaching

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