The Power of Supportive Friends When Life Feels Hopeless

The Power of Supportive Friends When Life Feels Hopeless


Day 5: Read Luke Chapter 5

A Listening Heart

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Have you ever felt lonely during a difficult time? 

Laying in the same spot day in and day out was wearisome. He often felt alone and helpless. Everyone in town talked about the miracles and how those with all kinds of infirmities were getting healed. He had a gnawing ache inside and a longing to be healed too. If only… he thought.

Suddenly some friends showed up. They told him they’d come to take him to the man who was healing people in town. Before he could object, they put him on a homemade mat stretcher and carried him off. 

When they arrived, a large crowd had overflowed into the street. There wasn’t any chance they could get close enough to the miracle healer. Then one of the friends had a brilliant idea. Why don’t we climb the roof, remove some thatch, and lower our friend?

Plop, they lowered him right in front of Jesus!

The Power of Supportive Friends

This man’s friends were not only willing to stand beside him but also willing to take action to help him heal. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, your sins are forgiven, get up, take your mat, and go home. 

Do you have friends who will support you when you face overwhelming circumstances? 

When a house fire left my family homeless, we were desperate and didn’t know how we would survive. Many nights, I cried to the Lord in prayer. But God made a way. We experienced Jesus’ comfort through the generous support and prayers of family and friends. When our hope cup was low, they refilled it with prayers and donations and even provided a house. I am forever grateful to God for his provision and for our extended family and friends.

What circumstances are making you feel overwhelmed, paralyzed, and desperate for answers? Perhaps you’re walking through a difficult relationship or dealing with anxiety, loneliness, a demanding job, weight problems, troubled children, alcoholism, or you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. When your Hope Cup is low, call on the Lord.

No matter your circumstances, Jesus will meet you at the point of your needs, just as he met the paralyzed man. Sometimes we struggle needlessly because we don’t ask for help. You can’t go it alone. You need the support of those who will refill your Hope Cup and are committed to bringing you to Jesus through prayers, love, and various acts of kindness.

We all need supportive friends who will stick with us when life feels hopeless.

What acts of kindness can you do today to show Jesus’ love to others? How will you thank God for friends who support you?

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. Luke 5:18

Day 5: This post is part of the Come Away with Jesus Christmas Challenge. Today, I’m encouraging you with the treasures I gained from Luke 5 during my time with Jesus.

PS: Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Share in the comments.

Have you always been running? Running to please everyone and hoping for a change without the discomfort of letting go? Let me show you how to soar and start living your dreams. Let’s talk. Book your FREE Call today.

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