Transforming Trials to Purpose: Birthing Your Vision - Hidden Treasures and Riches

Transforming Trials to Purpose: Birthing Your Vision


What vision or dream has the Lord placed on your heart?

A Listening Heart

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About 20 years ago, I had a vision that I would write a book. Though I didn’t know the details then, I kept the vision at the back of my mind. For about ten years, I went through some personal crises that shook me to the core. The experience was like being in the refiner’s fire. The trials enhanced my prayer life and connection with Jesus.  

In 2015, the Lord laid on my heart to write a 90-day devotional book.

I said, YES.

At first, I thought, sure I could knock that out in three months. So, I made plans to wake up early and write daily before going to work. Since I felt the Lord was prompting me to write this book, I thought life was about to get better, but I had no idea that another tsunami of trials was around the corner.

About a month after I started writing in 2015, my family experienced a raging storm of job loss and health crises, that left me reeling and asking questions of God. Then in July, our house caught on fire when lightning struck it and my family was homeless.  For the first time, I struggled to write, and I doubted whether I heard from God or this was just my idea.

Was I tempted to quit? Yes! The spiritual battle against writing Weathering Storms devotional was intense!

I imagine you have a vision or dream too.

Perhaps your vision is to write a book, start a new business, work with youth and teenagers, get promoted at work, or lose weight. When you have a dream or vision in your heart, you can expect opposition. Sometimes this resistance is like a raging storm. Everything that could go wrong would go wrong. And many times, you will be tempted to quit.

David’s vision…

David, the youngest son of Jesse was anointed by Samuel to be the next king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:1, 13). Though he was anointed as king, it took years for that vision to come to fruition. He went through a period of preparation and opposition. David was on the run for his life (1 Samuel 23:22-26; 24:14, 26:20) because king Saul was envious of him and wanted to kill him.

Let’s look at how David felt about his persecution. Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me (Psalm 69:4).  But the challenges were part of the process of shaping David’s character and preparation to become the king.

He learned about perseverance and dependence on God. He trusted God and sought shelter in the shadow of His wings. David was a man after God’s heart, not because he was perfect, but because he learned the secret of transforming his trials into purpose and giving birth to his vision.

His secret was total dependence on God and joyful thanks (Psalm 71:23).

Birthing your vision

To give birth to our vision and dreams, we need to have an attitude that no matter the circumstances, we will choose to focus on God’s character and what we know to be true about Him. We will praise and thank Him in the valley and on the mountain. Many of the Psalms reflect David’s expressions of gratitude to God even in the darkest of times.

Dependence on God is the secret to giving birth to our vision.

Steps to Birthing your Vision

  1. Vision or dream – idea
  2. Process of preparation – Refining character
    • Spiritual warfare – challenges, waiting, discipline, character strengthening, perseverance
    • Changes – stretch and expand comfort zone, habits, friends, focus
    • Action – Classes, training, new skills
    • Support – community and expanded network
    • Resources – Financial
    • Better prayer life and relationship with God
  3. Birth of the vision- Rejoice, stay anchored in God, continue to grow

What is your vision? Are you facing challenges that make you question whether you are on the right path?

Rather than give up, ask God for strength with joyful thanks, and raise your voice in praise. Thank Him for how he will help you accomplish this dream. The Lord saw David through his trials and helped him become king. He helped me write and publish Weathering Storms, a 90-day devotional book last year.

The Lord wants to help you too. He will lead you through the journey of birthing your vision if you are willing to follow Him.

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