Weathering Storms - Hidden Treasures and Riches

Weathering Storms


Storms usually come when we don’t expect them. In 2017, the United States experienced three major storms that brought massive rain, flooding, and devastation to Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Flooded streets left people stranded in their homes and many had to be rescued by boat. Basic amenities like power and water were off. About 200 thousand homes were damaged in Texas alone.

Storm Rescue

Have you experienced a personal storm that left you in despair and hopelessness?

Like the storms from the hurricane, the personal storms of life can have the same devastating effects on us. I have weathered many storms in my life. At the Women’s Mega Conference in April, I shared about “Personal Storms and How to Uncover Hidden Treasures in the Ruins”. Click below to watch the message.


A Listening Heart

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What storms are you facing?

Perhaps your storm is an abusive marriage, childhood trauma, a child on drugs, a loved one in jail, homelessness, health issues or divorce. Life’s storms attack us at the core of who we are and can leave us wounded, hopeless and vulnerable.
No matter what storm it is, there is hope. You can discover hidden treasures in your personal storm if you will trust Jesus to help you. Jesus will go out of his way to meet you in your storm. He wants to heal and restore you. I know this from experience. He will help you uncover hidden treasures of God’s peace, forgiveness, healing, and love as well as restored relationships, freedom from shame, fear and anxiety.

Call to Action

If you desire to uncover the hidden treasures in your storm, here are three things you can do to weather your storm well.

Be with Jesus – Sit at his feet
1) Do you know Jesus? Do you know him as a friend? He desires to have a relationship with you. He is a rescuer. He desires to rescue you from your storm. If you don’t know him, ask him to come into your heart, accept him as Lord.

Be with Others – Don’t isolate yourself
2) Get into a community of believers where you can receive support, encouragement, and prayers.

Be in the Word – This is where you find true treasures and God’s peace.
3) Get into God’s word daily. Reading God’s word will help you uncover those hidden treasures and overcome. Many of you have smartphones. You can download the Bible App which has many free plans that will help you grow in your relationship with God daily.

Hidden treasures

Can you imagine what your life could be like if you took these actions? We all have storms and if you are not experiencing one right now, just wait. It will come but you do not have to allow the storm to knock you down and you do not have to weather it alone. Jesus will go out of his way to meet you in your storm.

More to explorer

4 thoughts on “Weathering Storms”

  1. Julie Jo Severson

    I want to thank you for your suggestion of the Bible app. Because you mentioned it, I just downloaded it. It’s amazing! All these devotional plans for different topics. And free. I just signed up for a 21-day “Living the Surrendered Life” devotion. This is going to be wonderful for me as I tend to get overwhelmed with a hard copy Bible. I don’t where to start. This breaks it down into nuggets. Thank you so much!!

    1. Julie, I am glad that you took action right away to download the Bible App. Blessings to you friend!

  2. Tope, thank you so much for sharing your heart and the lessons God has been teaching you in the midst of the storms. I know only too well the devastation that the 2017 storms caused but I also know a God who helps me to weather any storm that comes my way. I’m so thankful for His grace!
    Blessings to you!
    Marva | SunSparkleShine

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