3 Tips for dealing with a Thorn in the Flesh in Marriage - Christian Life Coaching for Professional Women

3 Tips for dealing with a Thorn in the Flesh in Marriage


Do you have a “thorn in the flesh” in your marriage?

A Listening Heart

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A good marriage requires communication, connection, patience, mutual respect, and love. Marriage can be one of the most fulfilling relationships when a couple intentionally works on their relationship. But marriage can be challenging and painful when there is a thorn in the flesh.

What is a thorn in the flesh in marriage?

A thorn in the flesh could be physical, emotional, relational, and financial.

A thorn in the flesh could be a complaint, differences in perspective, anything that your spouse does or does not do that you complain about, or personality differences.

When thorns exist in marriage and issues are not addressed, they fester. It can lead to communication issues, stress, and overwhelm.

Perhaps you’ve been trying to resolve this thorn in the flesh for years. Maybe you may feel stuck with no hope.

Whether your thorn in the flesh is an angry, bitter, and nagging spouse or something else, there is hope.

Christian Life Coaching for women; Thorn in the flesh in marriage

Let’s look at some practical tips for you from Psalm 43:3.

Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.  

The author of this psalm is dealing with the thorns of false accusations and persecution. He asked for God’s Presence, Light, and Truth to guide and deliver him.

We, too, can learn from him about how to deal with thorns in our marriage.

3 Benefits of dealing with “a thorn in the flesh” in marriage.

  • You can have Peace with God’s Presence.

A persistent thorn in the flesh in our marriage can drain our energy, leave us feeling overwhelmed, and steal our peace. We can ask God’s help to deal with our thorns and invite his Presence. No matter the situation, God’s Presence will give us peace. As we trust him with our thorns, we will experience less stress and worry.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3.

  • You can have Clarity with God’s Light.

Thorns have a role if we are willing to gain God’s perspective. God’s light brings clarity. We can ask God to open our eyes to see our role in this thorn in the flesh. Ask Him to give us awareness about what may be going on.

What is God doing with this thorn? What is your part in the challenges in your marriage? Is there something you need to do differently? Do you need to change your response?

Are there any idols in our hearts? Have we tried to make our spouse responsible for needs that only God can meet in our lives? Have we made our spouse an idol?

As we prayerfully seek the Lord, He will give us clarity (Psalm 119:125) and grace.

I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

  • You can have Divine Strategies and Hope with God’s Truth.

What Truths from scripture can you apply to your thorn in the flesh? Paul pleaded with the Lord three times to remove his thorn in the flesh, but God said His grace was sufficient.

My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Cor 12:9

When you are not sure how to respond to a specific thorn in your marriage, ask God for divine strategies to handle the thorn. The strategy may include seeking help from a trusted support group or professional counselors. I look to the Lord for scriptures, divine plan, and grace to help me deal with my thorns.

Christian Life Coaching for women. Thorn in the flesh in marriage

No marriage is perfect because we are all imperfect people. Don’t let the issues in your marriage dominate your life. Wrap your identity in Jesus and trust Him because you are His daughter.

No matter what the thorn in your marriage is, remember, God loves you unconditionally (Jeremiah 31:3). You are Beloved!

What tips have helped you in dealing with a thorn in your marriage? Share in the comments

If you need coaching support, book a FREE Discovery Call Here.


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