Lost and Found: Choosing the Life-giving Path to Abundant Mercy and Joy

Lost and Found: Choosing the Life-giving Path to Abundant Mercy and Joy


Day 19: Read Luke Chapter 19

A Listening Heart

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There’s more good news in today’s story. Another lost man was found and saved.

Are you finding wonderful treasures as you journey with Jesus through the gospel of Luke? I am finding exciting gems. 

In the last few chapters of Luke, we saw that Jesus was making his way to Jerusalem. On the surface, it looks like Jesus is wandering off the usual path and going into little-known villages on his journey. But there is a divine purpose behind his moves… he is on a lost and found mission. 

While passing through Jericho, a crowd followed Jesus. Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector, was curious to see Jesus. Because he was a short man, he couldn’t see above the crowd, so he ran ahead and climbed a Sycamore tree to get a private view of Jesus. 

A few moments after he settled in his spot on the tree, Jesus came near the tree, looked up, and called out to Zacchaeus. He came down immediately and welcomed Jesus gladly into his home.

 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” Luke 19:5

 We don’t know exactly the conversation between these two men. But we know that something happened in Zacchaeus! 

He was lost and found by Jesus, and he became a new man. He also chose the life-giving path to an abundant life of mercy and joy by admitting his sins. As a tax collector, he robbed poor people to make himself rich. He decided to give half his possessions to the poor and pay back anyone he cheated four-fold (Luke 19:8).

Lost and Found: How to Choose Abundant Mercy and Joy

Lost and found: With Jesus  you can have abundant Joy and mercy. He came to seek and Save the lost

As I think about it, Zacchaeus didn’t deserve this compassion, mercy, and grace from Jesus. Our heavenly Father has no favorites. As we saw in Luke 15, he will leave 99 sheep to go after one lost sheep.

When I look at my life, sometimes, like Zacchaeus, I wish I could start over. But the good news is that Jesus meets you and meets me right where we are. 

So, whether you have camped up a tree or in the privacy of your home, Jesus wants to come and have dinner with you. He is still on his journey, passing through individual lives to seek and save the lost

Zacchaeus turned from his material wealth to receive God’s love, salvation, and acceptance. 

It doesn’t matter if you are rich, poor, middle class, a hot mess, or overwhelmed by discouragement, fears, or doubts. Jesus is trying to reach you. He wants to talk to you about your soul and salvation and extend God’s mercy and grace. 

He’s looking to remove your shame and give you a free and complete makeover. On top of that, you’ll gain an abundant life that’s full of overflowing joy in him. 

All the wealth in the world cannot satisfy your heart or mine. There is a place in your heart where God alone is meant to reside. And until you and I give him access, we’ll be lost and continually seeking in the wrong places.

I decided to follow Christ when I was 7- years old. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made, and it’s been an ongoing life of adventure

Zacchaeus made a decision to follow Christ and became a new man. 

Have you made a decision for Christ? If not, it’s not too late!

You still have time to choose his life-giving path of the abundant life of mercy and joy. 

God’s joy knows no bounds when a lost son or daughter is found and returns home.

Pray with me: Lord, I am a sinner in need of your mercy. I want to spend the rest of my life serving you. I invite you to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Thank you for seeking and saving me. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

PS: If you prayed to accept Jesus, let me know about it. Join a Bible-believing church to grow and find support for your faith. 

For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. Luke 19:10

Day 19: This post is part of the Come Away with Jesus Christmas Challenge.

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