The 3 Secrets to Inexhaustible Peace in Everyday Life - Christian Life Coaching for Professional Women

The 3 Secrets to Inexhaustible Peace in Everyday Life


Do you have peace in your home, job, finances, and relationships with your spouse and loved ones? How well do you hold up under everyday stress in life?

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Horatio Spafford was an American Lawyer. The great fire in Chicago in 1871 destroyed their property, and shortly after, his four-year-old son died of scarlet fever. To give his family a break, he sent his wife and four daughters to Europe on vacation.

But their ship collided with a vessel at sea, and his four daughters died. Only his wife survived. On the trip to meet his wife, he passed by the site of his daughters’ death, and he wrote the song, “It is well with my soul.” During his darkest hour, that type of peace could only be from God.

Finding God's Peace

Can you relate with the Spaffords? Perhaps you, too, struggle to make sense of the pandemic, the uncertainties, and other life stressors. Maybe they keep you awake at night and leave your stomach in knots.

I remember driving home from work in March 2020 and noticing less than ten cars on the road during rush hour traffic. I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation.  

How can we remain calm in the midst of uncertainties and adversity?

Peace is a state of calm or quietness of spirit. It is freedom from disquieting or thoughts and emotions.

Peace is only possible if we trust that God is Sovereign and in control of all situations. Peace is not the absence of trials, conflict, or hardship. It is the presence of Christ.

3 Ways to Experience God’s Peace Every Day.

Fruit of the Spirit -Peace

Peace with God.

If you have put your faith in God and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, you and I can have peace with God based on Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. Romans 5:1 states we are made right in God’s sight by faith. We have peace with God because of what Jesus has done for us.

Our sins separated us from God (Ephesians 2:13-14). But Jesus restored us to a right relationship with the Father. As we draw near to God, He multiplies his grace and peace to us (2 Peter 1:2). We experience his peace in our spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonian 5:23). The closer we are to him, the more we can enjoy His peace.

Peace with Others.

Road Rage is rampant these days. Along with aggressive driving, it contributes to about 56% of all fatal car crashes. Anger, stress, and bottled-up emotions combined with traffic congestion are often a recipe for disaster.

Being angry and snapping at others steals our peace. Jesus is our peace. He invites us to live at peace with everyone.  

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18

Instead of flying off the handle, we can give God our burdens and choose to live at peace with others. Through the Holy Spirit, God empowers us to live in harmony with our neighbors, friends, and adversaries.

Friend, will you choose to pursue peace in your relationship with others (Hebrews 12:14)?

Peace with Ourselves.

Do you know what is at the root of most addictions, worry, and restlessness? Lack of peace! God’s inexhaustible peace. Inner turmoil and conflict rob us of peace. Rather than attend to our soul cry, we often try to numb it with busyness, drugs, alcohol, shopping, or doom scrolling on social media.

But we can have Jesus God’s eternal peace. He alone can give us peace. He invites us to let go of worry, pray and ask for our needs, then thank Him (Philippians 4:6-7). Then you and I will experience His peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.

Even if our faith is strong, we may struggle with staying peaceful when things happen to us that we cannot fully grasp. We lose our peace when trying to make sense of our situation and fit it into our own reasoning.

When lightning struck our home and caught on fire in 2015, I struggled to understand what was happening. I only had peace when I chose to trust God with the situation.

God, Jehovah Shalom, is the source of peace. We can have peace in challenging circumstances if we accept that He is Sovereign and in control, and we are not. That is the path to peace!

Peace is a fruit of the Spirit and a gift from God.

Finding the Peace of Christ

You can receive God’s inexhaustible peace every day of your life. All you have to do is ASK!

What helps you remain at peace every day? Share in the comments

The Secret to Inexhaustible Peace in Everyday Life is part of our series on Fruit of the Spirit.

Watch the Secret to Inexhaustible Peace on YouTube.


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5 thoughts on “The 3 Secrets to Inexhaustible Peace in Everyday Life”

  1. Peace is non existent for so many. I bet there are people out there that don’t even know what internal peace feels like. ?? What a beautiful tragic story about that hymn. It is still a struggle, but most of the time it is well with my soul. Peace and blessings to you! ??

    1. God’s peace is available to all. Unfortunately we live in a fallen world and many times, we don’t remember to ask.
      May God’s Peace be multiplied to you today. ?

  2. Peace is non existent for so many. I bet there are people out there that don’t even know what internal peace feels like. ?? What a beautiful tragic story about that hymn. It is still a struggle, but most of the time it is well with my soul. Peace and blessings to you! ??

  3. Peace is non existent for so many. I bet there are people out there that don’t even know what internal peace feels like. ?? What a beautiful tragic story about that hymn. It is still a struggle, but most of the time it is well with my soul. Peace and blessings to you! ??

  4. Peace is non existent for so many. I bet there are people out there that don’t even know what internal peace feels like. ?? What a beautiful tragic story about that hymn. It is still a struggle, but most of the time it is well with my soul. Peace and blessings to you! ??

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