Want More Peace? Let Go of Anxiety and Wave Your White Flag Instead

Want More Peace? Let Go of Anxiety and Wave Your White Flag Instead


Today’s guest post is by my friend Brianna Barrett. You’ll be inspired to let go of worry and enjoy more of God’s peace.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

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Funny how I had all the thoughts and ideas in the world until I was asked to write a devotion on anxiety.  It was like someone was blocking cell service to my brain.  Not a single thought came to me, no words, nothing.  I had ideas on everything to write but anxiety, which in turn made me anxious. It wasn’t because I was too prideful to realize that I have anxiety in my life.  I’ve been called a worry wart for most of my life. 

In a line from my favorite movie, Steel Magnolias, Shelby tells her Mama, M’Lynn, “Mama, you worry too much. In fact, I never worry ’cause I always know you’re worried enough for the both of us.”

I’m THAT woman, the one that can worry about anything at any given moment.  So don’t worry, friend, because I’m worrying for the both of us.  

Writing this devotion brought on anxiety and fear until today.  While praying in the shower, I heard “surrender.” I thought I had been surrendering this to God in prayer; I had asked him to grant me the words to bring glory to His name, not mine.  I’d prayed those words, but I realized that I had been secretly hoping that I would get the recognition. 

In that moment in the shower, I surrendered. It’s God’s way and His will, not mine.  It’s for His glory, not my own. As I released my writing to Him, the words started to flow, and I realized that I just needed to be honest about my struggle. 

Release Anxiety, Wave White Flag and enjoy peace-Christian Life Coaching

I AM A WORRIER. When I stop worrying and turn my thoughts back to God and His way, the anxiety starts to ease. The more I let go and let God, the more peace I feel. The more we stop worrying and replace the worry with the truth, the more peace we find. Taking our thoughts captive doesn’t come easy at times, but practice makes progress. 

Replace your worries with truth, for God doesn’t intend for us to carry our struggles.  Like Timothy reminds us, God didn’t give us a fearful spirit or one that’s timid.  He gives us power, love, and self-discipline.  Jesus surrendered to the cross and God’s will; I, too, can do that. As soon as I was out of the shower, I grabbed my computer and started typing.    

Get More of God’s Peace, Wave Your White Flag

Release Anxiety, Wave White Flag and enjoy peace-Christian Life Coaching

The church hymn, “I Surrender All,” kept coming to my mind as I wrote.  How many times have I sung this song in a service and not adhered to the words?  The first stanza captures it perfectly:

All to Jesus, I surrender

All to Him I freely give

I will ever love and trust Him

In His presence, daily live

I surrender all

I surrender all

All to Thee

My blessed Savior

I surrender all.

Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1855-1939

Let’s wave our white flags and enjoy God’s precious peace. Today will you join me as I take up my cross, surrendering to God’s will?  Whatever you are facing, God is bigger than that fear, He created you to lean on Him, and He’ll be with you through it all.    


Lord, forgive me for my pride in thinking I know better than you. Forgive me for when I disobeyed your will and your way and haven’t surrendered. Today I bring all my messy anxiety, struggles, problems, and issues and lay them down at the foot of the cross.  I don’t want to pick them right back up and carry them with me. I want to surrender all to you. I submit to you and your ways. May your will be done, and may you receive the glory, not me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Please share how I can pray for you this week on Instagram at @sunriseoceanwave. 

Bio: Brianna is a wife to her sweetheart, who stole her heart long ago. They have a car enthusiast teenage son who keeps them on their toes.  When she’s not cooking or gardening, she’s capturing memories and God’s masterpieces with her camera. She resides in North Carolina. 

Want more peace so you can live a rich and satisfying life? Book a FREE Discovery Call today to discuss how I can help you.

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Let go of Anxiety and embrace God's peace-Christian Life Coaching

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