How to Stay Sane and Trust God with Your Future in a Chaotic World.

How to Stay Sane and Trust God with Your Future in a Chaotic World.


Day 21: Read Luke Chapter 21

A Listening Heart

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The world is in chaos, and it is difficult to feel secure with so much uncertainty. There are wars, financial instability, pandemic upheavals, earthquakes, and famine. Conspiracies and an inability to know who or what to trust are signs of our times. 

When You and I focus on these problems, we can easily allow fear to grip our hearts. But in today’s passage (Luke 21:5-35), Jesus provides hope for you, me, and all believers. He offers us an eternal perspective on the future and shows us how to stay sane in a world that is upside down. 

Being a Christian is not about having a trouble-free life. We will experience pain, disappointment, troubled relationships, and worries in this broken world. But the good news is you, and I are not without hope.

Jesus encourages you and me to stand firm in our faith. No matter what happens, your future is secure if you have put your trust in him. 

3 Ways to Stay Sane and Trust God with Your Future

How to stay sane and trust God with your future in a chaotic world

God is Sovereign and in control of the past, present, and future. Nothing surprises God. He knows everything, including the little and big things that will take place in this world. Because of this, you can trust him with your future.

Watch out, and don’t fall for deception. 

  • Some folks take advantage of others through manipulation, lies, and deceit. Their goal is to lead you and me away from the truth of God. While the world considers truth to be relative, as believers, you and I have God’s word to guide us. His word is truth and will never fail (Luke 21:33, Isaiah 55:11). We can rely on it to guide us now and into the future.


  • We will hear disturbing news about nations fighting nations. Or about wars, earthquakes, or other calamities. But we don’t have to panic. Instead, pray and trust God. Even if you and I suffer for our faith or face trials, we are not to worry or let our hearts be weighed down by anxieties. But Jesus will empower us to persevere. We persevere in the face of hardships. And even if you and I are persecuted for our faith, they can touch our body but not our soul. Like Paul, we, too, can say to die is gain. Jesus’ words offer strong hope and encouragement here: 
    • Make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. Luke 21:14-15
    • Another verse that encourages me when I face trials is Psalm 23:4.

Stand firm in your faith

  • As Christians, you and I have this unshakable hope and security about the future. Because we know that Jesus will come again. So, we don’t fear or faint from the terrible news. But we can see these times as opportunities to share our faith. Because we have Jesus, you and I can deal with trials and tribulations with hope, joy, and peace. 

Jesus is coming again. Your peace and mine are not based on false premises but on this solid word that Jesus will come again! You can remain calm and trust that He is in control. We can be ready through obedience, prayer, and faith

For over 50 years, I have followed Christ. It’s been a journey of adventure. Only in the last few years have I truly come to appreciate what it means to… enter the suffering of Christ.

Do you believe that God is Sovereign in all things? If so, you have something the world can’t give. 

So, when the world around you is chaotic, you can remain calm and sane. Because you know that all things are under God’s control. Even if we die for our faith, we’ll live forever with Him in eternity. Jesus is coming again! Friend, You and I have an unending hope.

Do you want this unending hope and a secure future? If so, invite you to Jesus into your heart.

Pray with Me: Dear Jesus, I want the eternal security and hope you promise. I open my heart to you and confess that I need your forgiveness and mercy. Thank you for coming into my heart and for loving me. I believe and accept you as my Lord and Savior. Amen. 

PS: If you prayed to accept Jesus, let me know about it. Join a Bible-believing church to grow and find support for your faith. 

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:28

Day 21: This post is part of the Come Away with Jesus Christmas Challenge.

Have you always been running? Running to please everyone and hoping for a change without the discomfort of letting go? Let me show you how to soar and start living your dreams. Let’s talk. Book your FREE Call today.

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